
Wesleyan Economics Department
Wesleyan Economics Working Papers


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Christiaan Hogendorn

Professor of Economics
Wesleyan University

Welcome to my web page. I study infrastructure industries, especially telecommunications and Internet platforms, and their effects on related industries including news, software, and Internet content. I teach classes in industrial organization, media economics, and microeconomic theory.

PAC 320 (overlooks football field)

Office Hours Fall 2024:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 1:30-2:30

e-mail: chogendorn@wesleyan.edu

Class Fall 2024

Log into Google using your Wesleyan email to view the syllabus:

ECON 321 Industrial Organization

Archives of classes I have previously taught.


Infrastructure and General Purpose Technologies: A Technology Flow Framework (with Brett Frischmann), European Journal of Law and Economics, 50(3), 2020: 469-488.

Local News Online: Aggregators, Geo-Targeting and the Market for Local News (with Lisa George), Journal of Industrial Economics, 68(4), December 2020: 780-818.

Platforms with Restrictive Licensing, Chapter 10 in James Alleman, Paul Rappoport, and Mohsen Hamoudia, eds., Applied Economics in the Digital Era, Palgrave Macmillan, 2020: 231-248. Working paper version.

Tipping in Two-Sided Markets with Asymmetric Platforms (with Alex Gold), Economic Analysis and Policy 50, 2016.

Retrospectives: The Marginal Cost Controversy (with Brett Frischmann), Journal of Economic Perspectives, 29(1), Winter 2015: 193-206.

Aggregators, Search and the Economics of New Media Institutions (with Lisa George), Information Economics and Policy, 24(1), March 2012: 40-51.

Spillovers and Network Neutrality, Chapter 8 in Gerry Faulhaber, Gary Madden, and Jeffrey Petchey, eds., Regulation and the Performance of Communication and Information Networks, Edward Elgar, 2012.

Excessive(?) Entry of National Telecoms Networks, 1990-2001, Telecommunications Policy 35(11), December 2011: 920-932.

Platform Competition with 'Must-Have' Components (with Stephen Ka Yat Yuen), Journal of Industrial Economics, 57(2) 2009: 294-318.

The Economics of Renewable Resource Credits, (with Paul Kleindorfer) Chapter 9 in Morgan Bazilian and Fabien Roques, eds., Analytical Methods for Energy Diversity and Security, Elsevier, 2008.

Broadband Internet: Net Neutrality versus Open Access, International Economics and Economic Policy, 4(2), 2007: 185-208.

Tacit Collusion in Capacity Investment: The Role of Capacity Exchanges, The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 7(1) (Topics), Article 25, 2007.

Regulating Vertical Integration in Broadband: Open Access versus Common Carriage, Review of Network Economics, 4(1), 2005.

Collusive Long-Run Investments Under Transmission Price-Caps, Journal of Regulatory Economics, 24(3): 271-291, 2003.

The Market Structure of Broadband Telecommunications, (with Gerald Faulhaber) Journal of Industrial Economics, 48(3) 2000: 305-329.

Capital Mobility in Historical Perspective, Journal of Policy Modeling, 20(2), April 1998.