Economics 224: Regulation and Antitrust: Government and the Market

Professor Christiaan Hogendorn
Spring 2010
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Prof. Hogendorn's Homepage Course Policies


Sh = Roger Sherman, Market Regulation, Pearson/Addison Wesley, 2008.
Numbered readings are required, other readings are extra.

Connotea: Ideas for Papers
Policy Pointers
US DOJ, Antitrust Division US FTC, Bureau of Competition

I. Introduction

Jan. 25 M 1. Organization and Key Terms
  1. Sh, Chapter 1
Jan. 27 W 2. Cost Curves and Economies of Scale
  1. Sh, Chapter 2.
  • Emek Basker, "The Causes and Consequences of Wal-Mart's Growth," Journal of Economic Perspectives,Summer 2007.
  • Chandler, Alfred, "Scale, Scope, and Organizational Capabilities," Chapter 2 in Scale and Scope: the Dyanimics of Industrial Capitalism, Harvard University Press, 1990.
  • Michael Pollan, "Mass Natural," New York Times Magazine, June 4, 2006. pg. 15.
Feb. 1 M 3. Monopoly
  1. Sh, Chapter 3: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3.
  • George J. Stigler, "Perfect Competition, Historically Contemplated," Journal of Political Economy, 65(1), 1957: 1-17.
Feb. 3 W 4. Externalities
  1. Sh, Chapter 3: 3.4, 3.5 and Chapter 19: 19.1.

II. Antitrust

Feb. 8 M 5. Boundaries of the Firm
  1. Sh, Chapter 4.
Feb. 10 W 6. Oligopoly
  1. Sh, Chapter 5.
Feb. 15 M 7. Antitrust Laws
  1. Sh, Chapter 8.
Feb. 17 W 8. Horizontal Antitrust Cases
FIRST QUIZ: Quiz    Answers
  1. Sh, Chapter 9: pp. 296-320.
  • Serdar Dalkir and Frederick Warren-Boulton, "Prices, Market Definition, and the Effects of Merger: Staples-Office Depot (1997)," Case 2 in John Kwoka and Lawrence White, eds., The Antitrust Revolution, 4th edition, Oxford, 2004.
  • Richard J. Gilbert, "The Role of Potential Competition in Industrial Organization," Journal of Economic Perspectives, 3(3), 1989: 107-127.
Feb. 22 M 9. Vertical Antitrust Cases
  1. Sh, Chapter 9: pp. 320-333.
  • Michael Riordan and Stephen Salop, "Evaluating Vertical Mergers: A Post-Chicago Approach," Antitrust Law Journal, Winter 1995.
  • Massimo Motta, "Vertical Restraints and Vertical Mergers," Chapter 6 in Competition Policy: Theory and Practice, Cambridge, 2004. (Especially GE/Honeywell section.)

III. Economic Regulation

Feb. 24 W 10. Introduction to Economic Regulation (Including Capture)
  1. Sh, Chapter 10.
  • David Newberry, "Theories of Regulation," Chapter 4 in Privatization, Restructuring, and Regulation of Network Utilities, MIT, 1999.
  • David Landes, "What Do Bosses Really Do?" Journal of Economic History, 46(3), 1986: 585-623.
March 1 M 11. Pricing Principles
  1. Sh, Chapter 11, pp. 368-374, 376-378, 386-391, 395-398.
March 3 W 12. Regulatory Institutions and Franchises
  1. Sh, Chapter 12.
  • Jose Gomez-Ibanez, "The Evolution of Concession Contracts: Municipal Franchises in North America," Chapter 7 in Regulating infrastructure : monopoly, contracts, and discretion, Harvard University Press, 2003.
March 22 M 13. Energy
  1. Sh, Chapter 17.
March 24 W 14. Electricity
  1. Sh, Chapter 18.
  • Severin Borenstein, "The Trouble with Electricity Markets: Understanding California's Restructuring Disaster," Journal of Economic Perspectives, 16(1), 2002: 191-211.
March 29 M 15. Transportation
    Sh, Chapter 16.
  • Severin Borenstein, "The Evolution of U.S. Airline Competition," Journal of Economic Perspectives, 6(2), 1992: 45-73.
  • Jose Gomez-Ibanez and John Meyer, "The Rediscovery of Private Contracts: U.S. Railroad and Airline Deregulation," Chapter 8 in Regulating infrastructure : monopoly, contracts, and discretion, Harvard University Press, 2003.
  • Pictures of CRRNJ Terminal: One Two Three

IV. Common Carriage, Openness, Neutrality

March 31 W 16. Common Carriers
SECOND QUIZ: Quiz    Answers
  1. Eli Noam, "Beyond liberalization II: The impending doom of common carriage, " Telecommunications Policy, 18(4) 1994: 286-294.
  • Brett Frischmann. "An Economic Theory of Infrastructure and Commons Management," Minnesota Law Review, 89 April 2005.
  • Puffert, Douglas, "The Standardization of Track Gauge on North American Railways, 1830-1890," The Journal of Economic History, 60(4), 2000: 933-960.
April 5 M 17. Interconnection and Telecommunications
  1. Sh, Chapter 14
April 7 W 18. Communications
  1. Sh, Chapter 15.
  2. US Spectrum Map
April 12 M 19. Internet and Network Neutrality
  1. Christiaan Hogendorn, "Spillovers and Network Neutrality," Appendix B to Comments of Google Inc. GN Docket 09-191 and WC Docket 07-52 (January 14, 2010).
  2. Brito, Jerry, Cave, Martin E., Crandall, Robert W., Darby, Larry F., Ehrlich, Everett, Eisenach, Jeffrey A., Ellig, Jerry, Ergas, Henry, Farber, David J., Faulhaber, Gerald R., Hahn, Robert W., Kahn, Alfred E., Leighton, Wayne A., Litan, Robert E., Robinson, Glen O., Singer, Hal J., Smith, Vernon L., Taylor, William E., Tardiff, Timothy J., Waverman, Leonard and Weisman, Dennis, "Net Neutrality Regulation: The Economic Evidence" (April 12, 2010).

V. Health, Safety, and Environmental Regulation

April 14 W 20. Valuing Life and Other Hard to Value Things
  1. Sh, Chapter 20.
April 19 M 21. Environmental Regulation
  1. Sh, Chapter 21.
April 21 W 22. Workplace and Consumer Safety
  1. Sh, Chapter 22-23.

VI. Other Types of Regulation

April 26 M 23. Too Big to Fail
  1. Sh, Chapter 24.
April 28 W 24. Geographical Indications
  1. Tim Josling (2006) "The War on Terroir: Geographical Indications as a Transatlantic Trade Conflict," Journal of Agricultural Economics 57(3): 337-36
  • Daniel Suits, "Agriculture," Chapter 1 in Walter Adams and James Brock, The Structure of American Industry, Pearson, 2005.
  • The Common Agricultural Policy Explained, European Commission Directorate General for Agriculture, 2004.
  • Simon Johnson, "Straight Talk - The (Food) Price of Success," Finance & Development (December 2007).
  • William Adams, "Beer in Germany and the United States," Journal of Economic Perspectives, 20(1), 2006: 189-205.
May 3 M 25. Congestion
  • Jonathan Leape, "The London Congestion Charge," Journal of Economic Perspectives, 20(4), 2006: 157-176.
  • Jerry Muller, "Justus Moser: The Market as Destroyer of Culture," Chapter 4 in The Mind and the Market, Knopf, 2002.
May 5 W 26. Conclusion