Economics 224: Regulation and Antitrust: Government and the Market

Professor Christiaan Hogendorn
Fall 2012
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Sh = Roger Sherman, Market Regulation, Pearson/Addison Wesley, 2008.
Numbered readings are required, other readings are extra.

citeulike for ECON 224: paper ideas

Independent US Goverment Agencies US Government Departments
US DOJ, Antitrust Division US FTC, Bureau of Competition
European Commission, Directorates General

Good index of business/economics articles: ABI/INFORM through Wesleyan Library

I. Introduction

Sept. 4 T 1. Organization and Key Terms
  1. Sh, Chapter 1
Sept. 6 Th 2. The Bureaucracy
  1. Review Sh Section 1.2.
  • VHV, Chapter 2.
Sept. 11 T 3. Cost Curves and Economies of Scale
  1. Sh, Chapter 2.
  • Emek Basker, "The Causes and Consequences of Wal-Mart's Growth," Journal of Economic Perspectives,Summer 2007.
  • Chandler, Alfred, "Scale, Scope, and Organizational Capabilities," Chapter 2 in Scale and Scope: the Dyanimics of Industrial Capitalism, Harvard University Press, 1990.
  • Michael Pollan, "Mass Natural," New York Times Magazine, June 4, 2006. pg. 15.
Sept. 13 Th 4. Monopoly
  1. Sh, Chapter 3: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3.
  • George J. Stigler, "Perfect Competition, Historically Contemplated," Journal of Political Economy, 65(1), 1957: 1-17.
Sept. 18 T 5. Externalities
  1. Sh, Chapter 3: 3.4, 3.5 and Chapter 19: 19.1.

II. Antitrust

Sept. 20 Th 6. Boundaries of the Firm
  1. Sh, Chapter 4.
  2. William Safire on origin of expression "Skin in the Game"
Sept. 25 T NO CLASS
Sept. 27 Th 7. Oligopoly, Collusion, and Antitrust
  1. Sh, Chapter 5, Sections 5.1 - 5.2
Oct. 2 T 8. Market Structure and Strategic Competition
  1. Sh, Chapter 5, Sections 5.3 - 5.5.
Oct. 4 Th 9. Antitrust Laws
  1. Sh, Chapter 8.
  • Massimo Motta, "Competition Policy: History, Objectives, and the Law," Chapter 1 in Competition Policy: Theory and Practice, Cambridge, 2004.
  • Dennis Carlton and Randal Picker, "Antitrust and Regulation," Working Paper, 2006, introduction and sections I and II.
  • Zhang, Vanessa Yanhua and Zhang, Xinzhu, "The Anti-Monopoly Law in China: Where Do We Stand?" . Competition Policy International, 3(2) Autumn 2007
Oct. 9 T 10. Horizontal Antitrust Cases
  1. Sh, Chapter 9, pp. 296-320.
  • Serdar Dalkir and Frederick Warren-Boulton, "Prices, Market Definition, and the Effects of Merger: Staples-Office Depot (1997)," Case 2 in John Kwoka and Lawrence White, eds., The Antitrust Revolution, 4th edition, Oxford, 2004.
  • Richard J. Gilbert, "The Role of Potential Competition in Industrial Organization," Journal of Economic Perspectives, 3(3), 1989: 107-127.
Oct. 11 Th 11. Vertical Antitrust Cases
  1. Sh, Chapter 9, pp. 320-333.
  • Michael Riordan and Stephen Salop, "Evaluating Vertical Mergers: A Post-Chicago Approach," Antitrust Law Journal, Winter 1995.
  • Massimo Motta, "Vertical Restraints and Vertical Mergers," Chapter 6 in Competition Policy: Theory and Practice, Cambridge, 2004. (Especially GE/Honeywell section.)
Oct. 16 T October Break

III. Economic Regulation

Oct. 18 Th 12. Economic Regulation and Natural Monopoly
  1. Sh, Chapter 10.
  2. Sh, Chapter 12, pp. 411-414.
  • David Newberry, "Theories of Regulation," Chapter 4 in Privatization, Restructuring, and Regulation of Network Utilities, MIT, 1999.
Oct. 23 T Guest Speaker: Gregg Ribatt
  1. Wolverine Worldwide Press Release
Oct. 25 Th 13. Electricity and Peak Loads
FIRST QUIZ: Quiz    Answers (preliminary)
  1. Sh, Chapter 11, pp. 368-372.
  2. Sh, Chapter 12.
  3. Sh, Chapter 18.
Oct. 30 T 15. Franchises
  1. Sh, Chapter 11, pp. 395-398.
  • Jose Gomez-Ibanez, "The Evolution of Concession Contracts: Municipal Franchises in North America," Chapter 7 in Regulating infrastructure : monopoly, contracts, and discretion, Harvard University Press, 2003.
Nov. 1 Th 16. Transportation
  1. Sh, Chapter 16.
  • Severin Borenstein, "The Evolution of U.S. Airline Competition," Journal of Economic Perspectives, 6(2), 1992: 45-73.
  • Jose Gomez-Ibanez and John Meyer, "The Rediscovery of Private Contracts: U.S. Railroad and Airline Deregulation," Chapter 8 in Regulating infrastructure : monopoly, contracts, and discretion, Harvard University Press, 2003.
  • Puffert, Douglas, "The Standardization of Track Gauge on North American Railways, 1830-1890," The Journal of Economic History, 60(4), 2000: 933-960.

IV. Common Carriage, Openness, Neutrality

Nov. 6 T 17. Common Carriers and "Piggybacking"
  1. Eli Noam, "Beyond liberalization II: The impending doom of common carriage, " Telecommunications Policy, 18(4) 1994: 286-294.
Nov. 8 Th 18. Interconnection and Telecommunications
  1. Sh, Chapter 14
Nov. 13 T 19. Wireless Communications
Nov. 15 Th 20. Internet and Network Neutrality
  1. Christiaan Hogendorn, "Spillovers and Network Neutrality," forthcoming in Gerry Faulhaber, Gary Madden, and Jeffrey Petchey, eds., Regulation and the Performance of Communication and Information Networks, Edward Elgar. (June 18, 2010)
  2. Gerald Faulhaber, "Economics of Net Neutrality: A Review." (March, 2011)

V. Health, Safety, and Environmental Regulation

Nov. 20 T 21. Valuing Life and Other Hard to Value Things
  1. Sh, Chapter 20.
Nov. 27 T 22. Environmental Regulation
  1. Sh, Chapter 21.
Nov. 29 Th 23. Workplace and Consumer Safety
  1. Sh, Chapter 22-23.

VI. Other Types of Regulation

Dec. 4 T 24. Too Big to Fail
  1. Sh, Chapter 24.
Dec. 6 Th 25. Geographical Indications
  1. Tim Josling (2006) "The War on Terroir: Geographical Indications as a Transatlantic Trade Conflict," Journal of Agricultural Economics 57(3): 337-36

Dec. 11 T Third Quiz
7PM, PAC 004