Professor Hogendorn's Homepage | Course Syllabus |
Time and Place: | MW 2:50-4:10 ALLB 103 |
Office Hours: | M T 1:20-2:20 and W Th 10:40-11:40 If my door is open, I may be available, please knock. I also encourage appointments, talk to me before or after class or e-mail. |
E-mail: | chogendorn |
Assignments: | For each class, there will be a corresponding short assignment related to the reading. These can be done individually or by groups of two students. Most of these should be printed and turned in at the end of class. |
Exams: | There will be one midterm exam. |
Presentation: | One group of two will present their assignment as part of the class. Here is the presentation grading rubric. |
Paper: | There will be a term paper in this class. The term paper should extend or apply one of the assignments we read in class or some other paper in industrial organization. After fall break, you should send me a one page proposal and arrange a meeting to discuss your paper. If you would like to do a more substantial co-authored paper, I will be happy to consider it. Here is the paper grading rubric. |
Grading: |
20% Midterm exam 35% Assignments and class participation 15% Presentation 30% Paper I always use the Hogie scale for grading: 0, 1, 2 (the "hurdle" level), 3, 4 (minor problems), or 5. To find your letter grade equivalent, divide by the number of questions to get your average score on the 0-5 scale. Then convert according to: 4.5=A, 4.0=A-, 3.7=B+, 3.3=B, 3.0=B-, 2.7=C+. 2.3=C, 2.0=C-, 1.7=D+, 1.3=D, 1.0=D-. Assignments will receive a check minus, check, check |, or check plus. The 0-5 scale equivalents are: check plus, 4.5, check | 3.95, check 3.4, and check minus 2.3. |
Grading: | Wesleyan University is committed to ensuring that all qualified students with disabilities are afforded an equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from its programs and services. To receive accommodations, a student must have a documented disability as defined by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008, and provide documentation of the disability. Since accommodations may require early planning and generally are not provided retroactively, please contact Accessibility Services as soon as possible. If you believe that you need accommodations for a disability, please contact Dean Patey in Accessibility Services (, located in North College, Room 021, or call 860/685-5581 for an appointment to discuss your needs and the process for requesting accommodations. |