ECON 321 Syllabus
Spring 2013, Professor Christiaan Hogendorn
M= Stephen Martin, Industrial Organization in Context, Oxford 2010. ☑ Checked readings and Assignments are required. ☐ Unchecked readings are extra background. !Items with a !bang are not yet available. |
I. Game Theory for Industrial Organization |
1/24 |
1. Introduction and Game Theory ☑ M, Chapter 1. |
2. Monopoly and Price Discrimination [✓] Company logo and strategic decision – due by e-mail [✓] M, Chapter 2, especially section 2.3 (review Problems 2-1 and 2-2) [✓] M, Chapter 8, especially section 8.2.3 (review Problem 8-1) |
3. Cournot [✓] M, Chapter 3, sections 3.1 and 3.2. (review Problems 3-1, 3-2, 3-5) |
4. Bertrand [✓] M, Chapter 3, section 3.3, 3.4. (review Problem 3-3) [✓] Problem Set 1 due. Answers |
5. Hotelling [✓] M, Chapter 4, sections 4., 4.2. (review Problems 4-1, 4-2) |
6. Collusion [✓] M, Chapter 6. (review Problem 6-1) [✓] Problem Set 2 due. Answers |
7. Stackelberg and Limit Pricing [✓] M, Chapter 7, sections 7.1, 7.2.3 – 7.2.6, skim 7.3. |
8. Entry and Exit [ ] Avinash Dixit. “The Role of Investment in Entry-Deterrence.” The Economic Journal (1980) vol. 90 (357) pp. 95-106 [✓] Problem Set 3 due. Answers |
9. Strategic Substitutes and Complements [ ] Paul Belleflamme and Martin Peitz, Industrial Organization: Markets and Strategies, Cambridge, 2010, Section 3.4 |
10. Market Structure and Firms [✓] M, Chapter 9. (review Problem 9–3) [✓] M, Skim Chapter 10. [✓] Problem Set 4 due. Answers |
II. Market Failures |
11. Congestion [✓] Engel, Fischer, and Galetovic, “Toll Competition Among Congested Roads,” Topics in Economic Analysis and Policy, 4(1) 2004. [✓] Assignment (presenter: Professor Hogendorn) [ ] Presentation |
12. Countervailing Power [✓] Ellison, S. F., & Snyder, C. M. (2010). “Countervailing Power in Wholesale Pharmaceuticals.” The Journal of Industrial Economics, 58(1), 32-53. [✓] Assignment (presenters: Chris W., Graham, Ryan) |
3/26 T |
13. Innovation ☑ M, Chapter 14. ☑ Assignment (presenters: David, Iman, Ivan) |
3/28 Th |
14. Imperfect Competition and International Trade ☑ M, Chapter 16. ☑ Assignment (presenters: Lingyuan, Sean, Sihui) |
III. Antitrust |
4/2 T |
15. Introduction to Antitrust ☑ M, skim Chapters 11, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and do closer reading as follows: ☑ Assignment: Read Chapter 11 or 18 or 21 and write a summary of one model, case, or academic study described within. No more than 1 page, turn in by e-mail before class. Be prepared to discuss what you wrote in class. |
4/4 Th |
16. Mergers ☑ Willig, R. (2011). “Unilateral Competitive Effects of Mergers: Upward Pricing Pressure, Product Quality, and Other Extensions.” Review of Industrial Organization, 39(1), 19-38. ☑ Assignment (presenters: Ben, Gerald, Jim) |
4/9 T |
17. Vertical Restraints ☑ M, Chapter 12. ☑ Assignment (presenters: Andrew, George, John) |
4/11 Th |
18 Competition Policy ☑ John Vickers, "Competition Policy and Property Rights," Economic Journal, May 2010: 375-392. ☑ Assignment (presenters: Hillary, Will) |
4/16 T |
19. Open Access ☑ Klumpp and Su (2010). “Open access and dynamic efficiency.” American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2(2), 64–96. ☑ Assignment (presenters: Chrisses P. and W.) |
IV. Networks and Platforms |
4/18 Th |
20. Indirect Network Effects and Two-Sided Markets ☑ Marc Rysman, “The Economics of Two-Sided Markets,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 23(3) 2009: 125–143. ☑ Assignment (presenters: Chris D., Lars) |
4/23 T |
21. Theory of Network Effects ☑ Shy, O. (2011). “A short survey of network economics.” Review of Industrial Organization, 38(2), 119-149. ☑ Assignment (presenters: ) |
4/25 Th |
22. Advertising and Media ☑ George and Hogendorn, “Local News Online: Aggregators, Geo-Targeting and the Market for Local News,” working paper, 2013. ☑ Assignment (presenters: Chris P., ?) |
5/30 T |
23. Targeted Advertising ☑ Chandra, A. (2009). “Targeted Advertising: The Role of Subscriber Characteristics in Media Markets.” Journal of Industrial Economics, 57(1), 58-84. ☑ Assignment (presenters: Brad, Chase, Terence) |
6/2 Th |
24. Broadband ☑ Forman, C., Goldfarb, A., & Greenstein, S. (2012). “The Internet and local wages: A puzzle.” American Economic Review, 102(1), 556. ☑ Assignment (presenters: Jon, Rich) |
6/7 T |
25. Newspapers versus Restaurants ☑ Steven Berry and Joel Waldfogel, "Product Quality and Market Size," Journal of Industrial Economics, 55(1), 2010. ☑ Assignment (presenters: Ling, Sihui) |